Welcome To PhysicalTherapyEd.com!
This resource exists to help you take and pass the National Physical Therapy Examination, or NPTE. It is ran by a group of DPT's who have made it their mission to put all of the resources they can online. Preparing for the NPTE can be a stressful time... it is our hope that PhysicalTherapyEd will be a place that you can come to build confidence, gain knowledge, and reduce your "Boards Anxiety".
PhysicalTherapyEd.com offers tons of free resources including a a step by step guide for building your NPTE review plan, sample study schedules, lists of current resources available to you from other sources, and FREE PRACTICE QUIZZES complete with answer analysis and explanation.
Take a tour of the site, take a deep breath, and get to work! We are here for you!
Need Additional Help? We Have Our Own NPTE Review Course and Practice Exam
PhysicalTherapyEd.com also offers its own 200 question, panel reviewed, NPTE practice exam for $29.99. Upon registration, students will have the opportunity to take our NPTE Content Outline based practice exam up to 3 times. Each time the test taker will receive a strengths and weakness report and item analysis complete with answer explanation. After you take the test the first time, one of our instructors will review it and offer personal advice on how you can improve your scores further.
We also offer two NPTE review courses. Our one on one course offers in depth personalized review and assessment complete with personalized quizzes and study plans. In this course, you will log in weekly to a one and a half online classroom session where you will take quizzes alongside a PhysicalTherapyEd instructor. Your answers will be reviewed, feedback will be provided, and test taking strategies will be discussed.
Our small group class will offer similar tips and strategies as our one on one course, except that students meet with 1-4 other students and a PTEd instructor. This class is great for students looking to add group study and accountability to their program. The course provides structure and a method for measuring progress, as well as giving students a tool to help them stay on track.
Looking for an NPTE Practice Exam?
PhysicalTherapyEd offers its own 200 question practice exam complete with test analysis, user dashboard, strength/weakness finder, customized test analysis by one of our instructors, and detailed answer explanations.
Looking to take an NPTE Review Course?
PhysicalTherapyEd offers a 6 week accountability course to make sure you pass the NPTE the first time. Simply log in once a week for an hour to review additional quizzes and material with one of our licensed PT instructors.
Are your study schedules updated in accordance with the 2013-2017 NPTE Content Outline?
Thanks for your resource,
Hi Dave,
Great question. The two generic study schedules under the “NPTE Study Schedules” at the top of the page are based on the chapters contained within two popular NPTE review study guides, PTEXAM by Scott Giles, and TherapyEd’s Review and Study Guide by Susan O’Sullivan. We simply outlined an example of how someone could go about delegating their time to each chapter. Of course, these being two major NPTE review sources, it is expected that they cover material in accordance with the NPTE content outline.
The 2013-2017 content outline refers to the distribution of questions that you can expect to see on the NPTE. Our practice NPTE adheres to this “blueprint” very closely. We do our best to make our practice exam as similar in style and outline to the NPTE as possible, of course without containing any actual NPTE material.
Also, our NPTE review courses employ this blueprint to dictate how we guide our students to prepare for the exam and allocate their time when studying.
I hope that answers your question! Let me know if there’s anything we can do to help you prepare for the NPTE or if you’d like to talk with us about setting up a personalized review plan.
Trevor Lohman PT, DPT