NPTE Practice Quizzes

Click a quiz on the left to access free NPTE Practice Quizzes organized by topic. Quizzes are 10 questions each and specific to a particular content area. At the end of each quiz you will find descriptions explaining why answers are either correct or incorrect.

This is an amazing way to perform quick periodic assessment. After a day of studying a specific chapter, it is great to be able to do a quick assessment of your effectiveness. NPTE Practice quizzes that are specific to a particular content area allow you to do just that.

It isn't alway convenient to take a 200 question practice test just to see how your day of studying has paid off. We encourage you to use all of these practice quizzes in order to help you refine your review methods and build your confidence.

Let us know if you require further explanation regarding a specific question by using the comment box at the end of each quiz. We hope to add a new set of practice quizzes every month so keep an eye out for more NPTE Practice Quizzes.

Good Luck!

7 thoughts on “NPTE Practice Quizzes

  • Pingback:Our First NPTE Success Story -

  • November 28, 2015 at 10:08 am

    Thanks for this examination

  • Pingback:NPTE Pharmacology Study Tips -

  • June 29, 2016 at 10:21 am

    thank you so much for this examination……
    The questions were really good and helpful../

  • September 22, 2016 at 8:11 am

    When will the next set of questions be published?

    • September 24, 2016 at 1:37 pm

      Hi Rett,

      Hopefully fairly soon.

      We’ve spent the last several months developing our NPTE Prep courses. Now that those are where we want them, we’ve begun working on more quizzes and a second paid 200 question exam. I’m hoping to have the next batch of quizzes out before the end of October. In the meantime I hope these were helpful!

      Trevor Lohman PT, DPT

  • September 10, 2018 at 3:13 am

    Hello Dr Lohman, i was so glad to see you as author of tjis examination, i am current student of Loma Linda University and was so happy that i know the author of this quick quizzes. These questions are really tricky and are helping really to build that thinking to think that the case is really a patient and what immediate actions we would take.

    Thank you so much,


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